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Quorum-sensing Dysbiotic Shifts in the Hiv-infected Oral Metabiome

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We implemented a Systems Biology approach using Correlation Difference Probability Network (CDPN) analysis to provide insights into the statistically significant functional differences between HIV-infected patients and uninfected individuals. The analysis correlates bacterial microbiome (“bacteriome”), fungal microbiome (“mycobiome”), and metabolome data to model the underlying biological processes comprising the Human Oral Metabiome. CDPN highlights the taxa-metabolite-taxa differences between the cohorts that frequently capture quorum-sensing modifications that reflect communication disruptions in the dysbiotic HIV cohort. The results also highlight the significant role of cyclic mono and dipeptides as quorum-sensing (QS) mediators between oral bacteria and fungal genus. The developed CDPN approach allowed us to model the interactions of taxa and key metabolites, and hypothesize their possible contribution to the etiology of Oral Candidiasis (OC).

Figure 1

Correlation networks for Control and HIV cohorts.

Figure 2

MBF Control cohort significant correlations (rho >0.6 or rho <-0.6).

Figure 3

MBF HIV cohort significant correlations (rho >0.6 or rho <-0.6).

Figure 4

The Correlation Difference Probability Network (CDPN).