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Microbiome Services

A prerequisite to designing interventional therapeutic tools that harmonize the microbiotia is having the expertise on the entire process, such as sample collection, preparation and analysis, bioinformatics, and biological interpretation.

Microbiome (fungal and bacterial) profiling compares the microbiota in various healthy and diseased conditions.

Assessment of metabolome associated with microbiome analysis (tissue, stool, or culture models) and determining the identification of bacterial or fungal metabolites.

A standardized operating procedure workflow which allows for demultiplexing and classification and bioinformatic filtering of the sequence data.

NTS partners with the Center for Medical Mycology to offer in vitro models of Candida biofilms to characterize formation on clinically relevant medical devices.

NTS collaborates with the Center for Medical Mycology preclinical modeling core to offer several small animal models for fungal/bacterial infection/disease.

Investigative advanced capabilities in microbial and fungal imaging using transmission and scanning electron microscopy.

Custom design and work with sponsors interested in promoting human health and combating disease.