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Evaluation of the Ability of a Novel Miconazole Formulation To Penetrate Nail by Using Three In Vitro Nail Models

Authors: Luisa Christensen,a,bRob Turner,cSean Weaver,cFrancesco Caserta,cLisa Long,a,bMahmoud Ghannoum,a,b and Marc Brownc,d

Publication Year: 2017

PMID: 28438926

Topical medications to treat tinea unguium have lacked efficacy (12), and there has been a recent drive to improve ungual drug delivery by the development of nail-specific penetration enhancers (3,5). In this study, the ability of 10% (wt/wt) miconazole nitrate combined with a penetration enhancer formulation to permeate the nail was demonstrated by the use of a selection of in vitro nail penetration assays.

Three different assays were used to test permeation by enhanced miconazole nitrate solution…

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